The answers you seek about Tim Woolworth and his Artificial Perdition.
Tim Woolworth, Paranormalist.
Prompt Synner
Artificial Perdition, AI Art Synthesis
Pain/Love/Life Obscura
The Store
Artificial Perdition art, including prints, clothing, drink ware, and much more is ready for you to take a look. We are adding to it all the time, so check back frequently or follow our Instagram or Facebook feeds.
Coloring Books
Tim Woolworth has authored several coloring books that are hosted on Amazon for sale. He has published books ranging from cats to zombies, and his personal favorite, a book that educates on concussions. If you want to learn more about his individual books, click HERE to visit the author page on this site. Alternatively, if you want to buy a book directly, visit his AMAZON page to buy. Tim does stock some books, so if you would like an autographed copy of any book, email him directly via tim@timwoolworth.com to enquire.
Support a not-so-starving artist
I’m not starving thanks to my wife’s job, but if you have read my story, you know that I cannot work due the injuries I have sustained starting December of 2022. The art on this site, plus the meager income from coloring books is how I am trying to earn a living currently so I can pay my bills that are in default. If you would like to help me get ahead in life, please consider a sustaining donation. I would greatly appreciate it.